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Call for Proposals

The Call for Proposals is now closed

Present at

We invite you to be part of our conference program!

Canada’s international education (IE) conference will take place this year in Ottawa, the nation’s capital, at the Westin Hotel and the Shaw Centre, situated on the traditional unceded territory of the Anishinaabe Algonquin People.

CBIE2024 will explore the theme: Beyond the Horizon.

This year’s conference will focus on innovation and recalibration in international education looking further into the future than ever before.  The theme underscores our commitment to convening IE practitioners, policymakers, and stakeholders for collaborative and constructive dialogue and thought leadership that carefully considers our students, our campuses, our communities, and our role in the global landscape.

The decisions we make and the directions we choose today will significantly impact the future of international education both in Canada and around the world for years to come. How can we, as individuals, institutions, and international partners, act to show bold and visionary leadership? How can we come together as a community to create enduring value and secure a long-term future that can withstand the adversities that will inevitably come?

Join us at CBIE2024 as we take stock of present challenges and uncertainties and share forward-looking, balanced, and sustainable approaches to reimagining a bright future for international education that takes us beyond the horizon.

We invite you to submit a proposal using the guidelines below.

Conference Presenter Eligibility

Submissions are welcome from anyone interested in presenting to a multidisciplinary audience. All presenters must register for the conference.

Submitting Multiple Proposals

Each attendee may submit up to three proposals as either the primary presenter or co-presenter for concurrent conference sessions.

Language of Proposals

The program committee welcomes submissions written in English or French; presentations may be given (or delivered) in French, English, or bilingually. We encourage sessions in which all participants will be able to understand and interact in one or more languages. Submissions must be in the language or languages in which they will be presented.

Proposal Submission Tracks

Presenters will be required to select one of the following tracks that most accurately reflects the area of work of the session.

Proposal Submission Tracks

  • International Relations, Projects + Partnerships
  • Internationalization at Home (Curricular + Co-curricular)
  • International Student Advising
  • Learning Abroad
  • Recruitment, Enrolment + Admissions
  • International Student Support + Success
  • Virtual Learning + Exchange
  • International Education Administration

Proposal Submission Cross-Cutting Themes

Presenters may select up to three cross-cutting themes that reflect a forward-looking approach, featuring bold ideas and global perspectives.

Proposal Submission Cross-Cutting Themes

  • Justice, Equity, Diversity + Inclusion
  • Indigenization
  • Sustainability + Climate Action
  • The Sustainable Development Goals
  • Leadership, Governance + Strategy
  • Practitioner Career Planning and Pathways
  • Research

Session Formats

This year presenters can deliver learning sessions which follow the traditional format of a presentation followed by Q&A, or a campfire session, which begins with a short presentation on a topic and then invites comments, insights, and questions from the audience, encouraging engagement.

Learning Sessions | 60 minutes

  • Learning sessions focus on knowledge-sharing by leaders and practitioners.
  • Learning sessions are 60-minute presentations and should ensure at least 15 minutes of attendee engagement.
  • Learning sessions must have a minimum of two (2) and up to four (4) presenters.

Campfire Sessions | 60 minutes

  • Campfire sessions are interactive and focus on peer-to-peer exchange.
  • Campfire sessions are 60 minutes and should ensure at least 45 minutes of attendee engagement.
  • Campfire sessions must have no more than two (2) facilitators.

Information Required for Your Proposal Submission

Review the guidelines below to help you submit your best proposal.

Presenter Guidelines

  • Presenters are encouraged to collaborate with colleagues and professionals from outside their institutions on session proposals.
  • Where possible, presenters are encouraged to offer tools, resources, or frameworks that can be shared with attendees.
  • Sessions may include virtual presenters so long as there is at least one presenter in-person at the conference.
  • Zoom is recommended for any virtual presenters. Please consider a backup plan in case of technical issues during your presentation.
  • Proposals will be evaluated by an external selection committee using the guidelines in the proposal submission below.
  • One presenter must be identified as a primary contact who will correspond with CBIE and liaise with their co-presenters.
  • CBIE will provide all laptops, projectors, screens, and Wi-Fi. Personal laptops cannot be used during the presentation.
  • A presenter from each session must check into the speaker-ready room prior to their presentation so that a technician may upload the slides.
  • Sessions that pertain to marketing products or services will not be accepted.
  • Submissions can be edited up until the call for proposal submission deadline.
  • Email submissions will not be accepted. Incomplete submissions or submissions with missing information will be disqualified and deleted.

Registration and Fees

  • Presenters must register for the conference and pay the applicable conference fee to secure a session slot.
  • Accepted presenters will be entitled to a $100 discount on a full-conference pass. A discount code will be provided by CBIE.
  • Presenters must register through the registration site to attend the conference. Submitting a proposal does not automatically register presenters for the conference.
  • Presenters must be registered by July 31, 2024. Presenters who are not registered by this date may be removed from the final program at the committee’s discretion.

Notifications and Acceptance

  • Presenters will be notified about the status of their proposal by June 2024.
  • Once a session is accepted, the session lead will be responsible for confirming participation for all presenters.
  • Once a session is confirmed, presenters will be sent a Speaker Portal welcome email with login instructions.
  • All communication about sessions will be sent through the Speaker Portal.

Evaluation Criteria

The Evaluation Grid outlines the areas against which your proposal will be marked. Please be detailed and thorough in your descriptions.

The content is relevant to the field, informative and useful to international education professionals and/or stakeholders. Up to 15 points
The proposal is thoughtful, well-structured, and interesting for the field of international education. The proposal is not focused on marketing or sales of services. Up to 15 points
The session agenda is well organized. The proposal implies an interactive presentation delivery, Up to 10 points
The proposal is articulated professionally and clearly and implies a quality presentation. Up to 15 points
The learning outcomes are meaningful, clearly identified, and imply professional development for delegates. Up to 15 points
The presenters’ qualifications and experience demonstrate knowledge and expertise on the subject matter. Up to 15 points
The session content is innovative and brings new ideas and insights to the sector. Up to 10 points
The title and abstract accurately reflect the proposal content. Up to 5 points
Bonus points: The session focuses on inclusive internationalization and collaboration across sectors. Up to 10 points

Maximum Potential of 110 Points

Important Dates

Call for Proposals closes (5:00 pm EDT) April 15, 2024
Decision notifications June 2024
Presenters to confirm participation July 31, 2024
Early bird registration and payment deadline September 10, 2024

For any questions, please contact [email protected]